
Things to remember when shopping for professional clothing for women

You might think that choosing a formal dress for parties might be the hardest choice but things can get even more challenging when you are choosing professional attire. It has to be comfortable but shouldn’t be too casual. You need to look good but you cannot wear formal dresses.
The best option is to go for casual work wear.

As the name suggests, casual work wear is a smart blend of casual clothing with formal office attires. For instance, if you wear a suit or a blazer to your office then it falls within the bracket of formal office attire. But when you wear buttons down with a pair of boot cut jeans and boots than it is a casual wear.

Let’s discuss some of the things that you need to remember while shopping for office wear.

Go for Decent

You need to invest in good pants and shirts because these items are going to be used again and again. Always go for darker colors because they can go unnoticed even when used for multiple times in a month. When you are wearing a striking color, let’s say red or purple, you cannot use it too often because it will not go unnoticed. So, always choose dark and sober colors for your business attire.
Similarly, for blouses and tops, you can invest into good decent colors that will go well with your dark colored trousers.

Select a Regular Fit

Once you have decided the print which you want to buy, next thing you should keep in mind is the fitting of the clothes you’re buying. I have placed it at second because I do emphasize a lot on the fitting, particularly of those attires which are to be worn in office environment.

Do not buy a top or trousers which are too saggy or lose because they will portray you as someone who is laid back and lazy. On the contrary, if you select clothes which are very tight in fitting, they will present you as louche. Therefore, be very mindful of fitting of clothes when shopping for casual work wear.

Look out for Length

Length of your clothes is also an issue which you should have in mind while shopping for office wear. If you want your clothes to be ‘smart casual’ then you should avoid wearing dresses which are too short or too long. Knee length dresses are most preferable for women. If you wear something which is just below your hips, you might be too cautious all the time. Even if you are not really revealing anything it will still draw some unwanted attention.

On the contrary, a dress which is unnecessarily long is also not recommended for a work place. This is because at a typical job where you’re supposed to sit around for long hours, most of your time will be consumed in keeping your dress together.

Stay Alert on Sleeves

You should buy dresses with comfy sleeves. Shorter sleeves make you feel cold during the cold season while longer sleeves will cause trouble during scorching heat of summer.
So, instead of buy both long and short sleeves for winters and summers respectively, you should purchase three quarter sleeve lengths as these can be used in all kinds of seasons. For example, during summers you can simply fold them to your elbows and in winters you can simply put on a cardigan or a smart jacket over them.


Casual work wear makes life easy for you if you are able to mix and match clothes and land to a perfect balance. Make sure that your office clothes are neither too formal to make you uncomfortable nor too casual to portray you as unprofessional. With the tips that we have shared, you can fill your wardrobe with amazing items which you can use for a pretty long span of time without getting bored of them.

All you have got to do is remember the simple formula; invest in sober pants and trousers while experiment with some colorful blouses. But, avoid buying very sparkly or catchy tops as well, since they won’t set in with the office environment.

Lastly, make sure that the dresses you purchase do not reveal too much of your cleavage. So, go for a neck cut which compliments your body type. Also, ensure that your dresses are nether too tight nor too saggy; neither too long nor too short. Always try to wear clothes which are beautiful, modest and make you feel confident about yourself.

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