In short, we talk about improving the following list of skills. It is not a closed or exhaustive list but it does include the main current managerial competences:
The ability to communicate.
Without fluid communication, it is not possible to maintain positive working climates, it is more difficult to influence customer decisions, negotiate with partners or simply transmit timely information at the right time. A fluid communication, verbal and nonverbal, greases the structures of organizations and allows efficient operation. Listening actively, empathizing with the interlocutor, being assertive and showing expressiveness and interest in a sincere and balanced way are some basic tips to have this ability. For more information about management skills you can check at Zoetalentsolutions
Leadership , as the ability to influence people in their behaviors and direct them towards the common goal. Although it is true that many people are born with almost innate leadership skills, this much-needed skill can also be practiced in the work groups. Working aspects such as the ability to work in teams, delegate, give feedback , know how to motivate, determine objectives, goals and priorities, be flexible or convey confidence to our employees, are key points to improve our leadership. Leadership is also worked with a good dose of self – confidence and self-knowledge. It is necessary that the manager knows their qualities, to enhance the good and work those less positive aspects.
The ability to make decisions and solve problems.
Linked to the ability to gather relevant information, critical and analytical spirit and speed and agility to relate data to solutions.
The orientation to performance , objectives, results… Not only in your case but knowing how to convey this need to the whole team with enthusiasm to encourage motivation and commitment of the group.
Flexibility , understood not only as the ability to adapt to different situations – not always positive – but also related to change orientation and negotiation. And, linking with this skill we would talk about creativity and innovation capacity, like that social ability that enables us to generate new ideas that add value, to do things differently to make them better. Creativity and innovation can be worked with a multitude of techniques and dynamics (mind maps, brainstorming, etc.) but some basic tips to promote this ability has more to do with: clearing our minds of limiting beliefs, learning to question what , the how and why of our activities, read, learn and exchange experiences and, among other things, have fun and relax. Stress is a great annihilator of creativity!
This term, taken from physics, tells us about the human capacity to face adversity and not only overcome them but get stronger. A resilient organization is one that faces uncertainty, crises, critical situations and not only overcome them but also becomes positive in the wake of these events. Resilience as a managerial skill that we have in organizations is linked to attitudes of tenacity, effort, optimism and improvement.
The ability to work with enthusiasm and passion.
The magic ingredients The illusion would be the hope of achieving a desired and attractive objective. Something closely linked to motivation and commitment when transposing the concept to the world of business. Passion is an intense feeling that guides the will towards someone or something. Again, an attitude linked to motivation. Passion is the engine of perseverance and of the orientation to achieve results. How to work these items is something complex but that we can associate with optimism.
The good news is that all these skills, which are not always innate, can be worked with training and practice. For example, one of the most effective techniques is executive coaching.