
The Evolution of Grooming: Concept and Term



The history of grooming

We human beings are in an era where everything seems to be more and more advanced.

Since capsaicin times, humans have been embellishing themselves, so grooming yourself is something that a lot of history behind its success or popularity today. 

The evaluation begins with 164000 BCE (before the common era)

The stone age times, men did not do shaving and they did not use had these hair care products to apply on their hairs; there was no hair comb for men either. All they had to do was join forces with their mammoths and take care of their saber-tooth tigers. 

Several excavations proves that in the early times the human in South Africa used a completely red-colored rock as their make up on their faces, no matter how it looked. 

11000 BCE

It was during the time of the ice age. It was a time when men use to freeze on their facial hair. The water vapors from the breath of human use to convert into a frost. Men used the rocks and seashells to shave their long hairs and beards. There are drawings in the caves from the old times in today’s Ukraine that illustrates men’s shorter bristles. 

Next, in 10000 BCE, the ancient Egyptians used fragranced oils to make their skin smoother and shiny. They used it to cover their body odors and for protection from sun and sand. The oils had ingredients that were aloe vera, cedar, lavender, lily, rose, rosemary, pepermeth, olive oil, marjoram, myrrh, sesame, cedar, thyme, and almond oil. The women from ancient times used beeswax, tweezers to remove the unwanted body hairs. The tweezers and beeswax were made from pumice stones and seashells. 

3500 BCE, the time when the Babylonians, who were the people of Babylonia, today is known as Iraq and Syria. They used to chew sticks to clean their teeth daily. One end of the stick was unraveled to brush their teeth, whereas the other end was used as a toothpick. 

3000 BCE, ancient times’ Chinese people started to utilize gum beeswax, gelatin and eggs to smudge their fingernails with the color that indicated their sodality. 

AD “Anno Domini”

This was the time when the ancient males and females used pumice stones to wax out their unwanted body hairs. They started making toothpaste from volcanic rocks, baking soda and bicarbonate. 

The ancient Romans utilized 100 AD, the sheep’s fat and blood as the fingernail polish.


The change continued to be more and more advanced

The Medieval period, at the time of the cascade fall of the roman empire and the renaissance, there was only some little technology improvement in the grooming of haircare and beauty.

Nevertheless, in approximately 1200 AD, the first import of perfumes took place from the Middle East to Europe by the soldiers returning from the crusade.

Amidst the women, blond hair has aspired more so with Saffron, sheep’s urine and onion skins they use to make the blond hair color. Mostly women use to cover their heads as it was considered to attract males and it was disrespectful. The common thing among women use to be was they tied up their hairs to show off their large foreheads as the beauty of their facial features. Some use to shave their hairline to highlight their foreheads.


Near the 11th century, the Holy Roman Empire started contemplating heavy beards and long hairs as a worship sign, motivating the good Christians to clean shave their beards and keep their hairs shorter.

1560, a woman named Elizabeth England started utilizing the egg whites on her face to make her complexion light-colored. The tan or dark skin colored skins were not prioritized and were avoided as the sign of a normal agricultural worker who works in the fields.


1680, in the British Steel City of Sheffield, world’s first razor was created

1780, toothbrushes were created by William Addis; he made them from cattle bones and horse’s hairs. He came across this idea when he was imprisoned for the crime of rampaging. By the use of scraped bones and animal whiskers, he intended to enhance the common method of cleaning teeth, which was simple massaging of salt and soot into their teeth with a cloth by their hands.


1872, A guy named Marcel Grateau manufactured the first heated hair styling pliers. While he was working in Parsian slums, he used to style hairs of the prostitutes. He launched a hairstyle called “Marcel Waves” then it became very popular with women of every stage and prestige.


1880, A toothpaste named Dr. Sheffield’s Crème Dentifrice, first launched in a collapsible tube container. Dr Washington Sheffield invented the commercial or advertised toothpaste. He was motivated by looking at the French painters taking out paint from the tubes.


1888, world’s first anti-bacterial deodorant was introduced by an American brand known as “Mum”. Even though the name of the maker was not known by the people but the name of the product was taken front the nickname of the producer’s grandmother


1890, the first hairdryer used in saloons was invented by Alexandre Godefroy, which cost $5 that was equal to $130 in 2015.


1909, the hair straightener was made by Isaac Shero. He made it out of two irons that were heated to be used.


1903, an American salesman knew as King Camp Gillette started making razors that were safe to be used. They were very costly; it was about half of a median man’s weekly salary. But was a very famous razor. Then in 1915, he sold 70 million of the blades worldwide.


1911, the invention of a blow dryer for hairs by Gabriel Kazanjian occurred. It was heavy to hold. The weight was over 2 pounds.


1916, Max Factor, an inspiring make-up artist and wig maker, also an inventor, started selling eyeshadows and eyebrow pencils.


The inventions went on and on. New things were introduced till 2015; it was all the normal stuff used for grooming self.


The grooming process never ends. People and companies try out new ways to groom and to advance with the world.


The term grooming is still trending today and will in the future.

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