
Input Method Tester For PC [Free Download On Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac]

An input method tester is a software tool used to test the input methods of a computer system. It allows the user to test the input methods by entering text into a text box and by selecting the input method from a drop-down list. The input method tester can also be used to test the text entry features of a computer system.

Our goal is to help you get the Input Method Tester for PC and install it on Windows. Before we do that, don’t you want to know its technical specifications? They go like this:

Input Method Tester Andorid App Summary

The developer of the Input Method Tester is Raimondas Rimkus and they’ve done a great job at keeping Input Method Tester simple yet highly interactive. You can find the Input Method Tester under Tools of Play Store. Input Method Tester’s latest version is 1.4 with an impressive user base of over 313. Besides, the overall user rating of 0.0 shows how people love Input Method Tester.

If you’re wondering if it’s updated or not, the latest update date of the Input Method Tester is May 1, 2022 with all the latest features you need. Using it on your PC will require using an Android Emulator like BlueStacks, Nox player, or Memu.

We’ll include the guides that you can follow to install the Input Method Tester on your computer using the best emulator in this article. Follow along:

Input Method Tester App Overview and Details

Available input fields:
– Actions (enter key behavior)
– Types (layout behavior)
– Caps (capitalization behavior)

Application is open source and distributed using MIT license. Link to source:

Contributions and requests are welcome.

Features of Input Method Tester for PC

1. Customizable input fields: Actions, Types, and Caps.
2. Open source and MIT licensed.
3. Contributions and requests welcome.
4. Testimonials.
5. Screenshots.
6. Features.
7. Input field settings.
8. Keyboard settings.
9. Customizable hotkeys.
10. Mac and Windows support.

Whats New In this Input Method Tester?

SDK update

Download & Install Input Method Tester For PC: Windows 10/8/7

Let’s download and install the Input Method Tester app on PC using the Nox Player android emulator. There are a few steps to get this done as mentioned below:

  • Start by downloading the Nox emulator for your PC from their official website. You can find it in your downloads folder.
  • Double click on the downloaded file, accept the permissions and install Nox player on your computer.
  • Open the Nox Player and locate the Play Store app and log into your Google account using your credentials.
  • Click on the search bar and type for the Input Method Tester app. You’ll see it in the first result from where you can install it.
  • After clicking the install button, the Input Method Tester will start downloading on your computer, then install.
  • Once installed, you can now locate the installed Input Method Tester on Nox player homepage or your desktop. Use it from there.
Input Method Tester App Specification
App Name:Input Method Tester On Your PC
Devoloper Name:Raimondas Rimkus
Latest Version:1.4
Android Version:4.0
Supporting OS:Windows,7,8,10 & Mac (32 Bit, 64 Bit)
Package Name:rkr.imetest
Updated on:May 1, 2022
Get it On:



The Input Method Tester is a great application for anyone who wants to improve their typing skills. It is easy to use and provides a variety of exercises to help you improve your speed and accuracy.

Did you love the guide and be able to download and install the Input Method Tester for PC? Don’t forget to ask if you want more info about the emulator, the Input Method Tester, or the steps altogether.


We refer the ownership of This Input Method Tester to its creator/developer. We don’t own or affiliate for Input Method Tester and/or any part of it, including its trademarks, images, and other elements.

Here at allinonejunction, we also don’t use our own server to download the Input Method Tester. We refer to the official server, store, or website to help our visitors to download the Input Method Tester.

If you have any query about the app or about allinonejunction, we’re here to help you out. Just head over to our contact page and talk your heart to us. We’ll get back to you ASAP.

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